Life's Storms

The storms in life blow in and out without warning in a random fashion that keep us on our toes. When it comes to things like hurricanes, we have advance warning and you can prepare for the storm, but in everyday life the storms that produce family, financial, health and relational problems, often, come with no warning. Sometimes they come with a warning, but we don’t know what to do about them or we are in denial about them. In either case, they come, and when they do, they come with the same might force knocking us over like the gale force winds of a category 5 hurricane.

None of us are immune to the storms. Everyone will experience the devastation that they bring of some kind at some point in their lives. You can do all sorts of preventative measures like eating healthy and still get a brain tumor and die; raise your kids with lots of love and attention, take them to church and pray everyday for them and one could get him by a drunk driver and die, but at the end of the day, you can’t keep the storms from hitting. What we can do is run like hell to God when they do hit!

When my husband of 35 years died, I was no novice when it came to storms, but nothing in my life prepared me for this tsunami. The only way I could survive was to seek refuge in Jesus and hang on tight. There were days when I couldn’t hold on, but He was holding on to me. Everyday for years, Jesus was my light and my peace inside of me, as the storm around me whipped and raged often leaving me lonely and afraid. Eventually, the seas settled, the clouds parted and skies brightened, as the storm settled to a less intense category. I still have some stormy days, but nothing like they were.

What storm are you walking through? Choose Jesus as your anchor and ride those wave with His grace and love. This storm will pass and nother one will come, but Jesus is enough to handle them, all of them, if you seek Him there.