When you lose someone you love, you embark on a journey wrought with unbelievable pain that takes you places that you never wanted to visit. It’s a journey that feels relentless, unpredictable, and terrifying, even when you’re a Christian and you know you aren’t alone in this valley of grief. There is a process to grieving that cannot be circumvented; no detours or ways to accelerate the journey. It doesn’t take long before you realize that you are not in-control and grief is steering the way.
As a Christian, does faith really help in the grieving process? Yes and no. Don’t let that answer surprise you. Faith cannot do certain things for those in grief. Faith will not insulate you from the pain of grief. Faith will not prevent feelings of anger, regret, or loneliness. Faith will not lift you above this process or excuse you from the tasks at hand. Faith in Christ, however, will give you two essential things: the strength to endure and hope. Christ gives you the power to face death and take the onslaught of this last enemy full in the face. The death of a spouse hurts deeply, but Christ gives power to handle the hurt.
There is a grace to grief that can only be experienced in Christ. It’s a supernatural peace and assurance in the midst of desolation that you are not alone and you’re going to conquer this emotional desolation. The grace of grief is power of Christ that holds and comforts you in your darkest moments and give you hope for a new beginning.